Little League Baseball, Inc., United States Eastern Region

State of Pennsylvania Association of District Administrators


Meeting Minutes

November 14, 2009

Lundy Conference Center, South Williamsport, PA


State Coordinator Glen Fiebig called the meeting to order at 11:06 p.m.  Roll call was taken by sign in sheet.  Districts represented: 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 25, 26, 29 and 32.  Representing East Region Headquarters was Don Soucy.


Motion to approve the meeting minutes of August 29, 2009 was made by District 13.  Second by District 17.  Motion passed.


Motion to approve the finance report dated November 14, 2009 was made by District 3.  Second by District 9.  Motion passed.  Report attached.






Motion to assign the 2010 Big League Softball State Tournament to District 15 was made by District 12.  Second by District 32.  Motion passed.


Mike Serino reported that he has orders from 23 districts for DA shirts.  He will call the administrators that he doesn’t have orders from before submitting the order.


The Tournament Format document was presented.  Motion to accept as presented was made by District 14.  Second by District 12.  Motion passed.


The 2010 Tournament Calendar was presented for discussion.  Don Soucy and Joe Wendler, member of the Little League Advisory Board, gave background information on the decision to hold an East Region Tournament for 9 & 10 Year Old Baseball and Softball.  Motion to change the format of the 9 & 10 Year Old Baseball and Softball State Tournaments to a single site, eight team pool play tournament with the site to be the section scheduled to host the state championship was made by District 14.  Second by District 26.  Motion passed.  The Tournament Format will be amended to reflect this change.  Don Soucy gave approval to allow districts to begin the district tournaments on June 25.  Motion to approve the calendar as amended was made by District 18.  Second by District 9.  Motion passed. 


Motion to assign the 2010 Big League Baseball State Tournament to District 12 was made by District 13.  Second by District 17.  Motion passed.


Jim Burns suggested scheduling four team pool play tournament games for day two by assigning the two losers from day one to play in one game and the two winners to play the other game.  The games for the third day would assign the teams to play the team they have not yet played.  This would not violate the Little League Pool Play Guidelines as each team will still play each other team and will essentially eliminate games that are meaningless.  Don Soucy will investigate to make sure there is no problem with the Pool Play Guidelines.


Motion to eliminate the spring meeting and set a deadline for state and section tournament packets to be submitted to the State Coordinator and the Administrative Assistant for posting on the state web site and distribution to those that request it was made by District 1.  Second by District 2.  Motion passed.  Motion to set the deadline date to April 15, 2010 was made by District 9.  Second by District 12.  Motion passed.  Districts not meeting the deadline may be subject to losing good standing status.




Next meeting is scheduled for Saturday, August 28, 2010.  The time and site to be determined.


Motion to adjourn by District 12.  Second by District 26.  Motion passed.


Respectfully submitted,


Bill Dithrich

DA PA District 1

Administrative Assistant


Penna. State Little League DA’s Treasurers report


November 14, 2009


Beginning Balance August 29, 2009 $2,931.57
132 Food August meeting $43.00
133 Moose Club rent  $50.00
   Dues $300.00
Ending Balance $3,138.57


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