Little League Baseball, Inc., United States Eastern Region

State of Pennsylvania Association of District Administrators


Meeting Minutes

August 29, 2009

Moose Lodge, South Williamsport, PA


State Coordinator Glen Fiebig called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.  Roll call was taken by sign in sheet.  Districts represented: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31 and 32.  Also present was Corey Wright, East Region Assistant Director.


Motion to approve the meeting minutes of April 4, 2009 was made by District 9.  Second by District 30.  Motion passed.


Motion to approve the finance report dated August 29, 2009 was made by District 13.  Second by District 6.  Motion passed.  Report attached.




Tournament reports:  weather conditions were the worst in recent memory.  Other than that state tournaments reported:

Flag Issue for State Tournaments below Little League level:  Clarification was made of the Association policy for the 9 & 10 Year Old and 10 & 11 Year Old Baseball and Softball state tournaments where all participants in the east and west qualifiers receive state tournament pins and no flag is presented as two teams advance to the state championship.  Since all participants in the state championship have already received state pins at the qualifier, only the state championship flag is presented to the winner.  Motion for the Association Administrative Assistant to create tournament procedures per Association policies and post on the Tournament section of the Association web site was made by District 12.  Second by District 13.  Motion passed.




Motion to purchase shirts for District Administrators, with choice of color and breast pocket, was made by District 17.  Second by District 11.  Motion passed.  Mike Serino will be asked to handle the purchase since he handled the past purchases.


Motion to stagger the dates of the 9 & 10 Year Old and 10 & 11 Year Old tournaments for the convenience of parents with players participating in both levels.  Motion failed.




Corey Wright reported the following:



Motion to change the 9 & 10 Year Old, 10 & 11 Year Old and Little League Baseball and Softball state tournaments to a single site eight team tournament was made by District 5.  Second by District 11.  Motion failed.


Motion to schedule the next meeting for Saturday,  November 14, 2009 was made by District 12.  Second by District 6.  Motion passed.  The site and time to be determined.


Motion to adjourn by District 30.  Second by District 25.  Motion passed.


Respectfully submitted,


Bill Dithrich

DA PA District 1

Administrative Assistant

Penna. State Little League DA’s Treasurers report


August 29, 2009


Beginning Balance April 4, 2009 $2,945.60
128 Food November $350.00
129 Phone Glen $127.00
   Dues $450.00
Ending Balance $2,918.60

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